Last Friday, the ISC groups were tasked to come up with a new, never before seen product based on the elements of 3 randomly chosen items such as a sock, glue stick and a mobile phone etc as Rob(our lecturer) explained.
We were tearing our hair in agony. How in the world can we make something that comprises of a Sock a Glue stick and a Mobile Phone.
Yes, the glue stick, sock and mobile phone were the 3 items my group chose.
We figured that we did not have to use the 3 items as they were to come up with a new product. So much for thinking out of the box.
And so we figured..
Sock was "body hugging"
Glue stick was able to take any shape

Mobile phone had like rubbery texture and vibrations and everything else a mobile phone can do.

BAMM! We came up with the 'Futuristic 3000'.
A pair of ordinary looking gloves that works wonders.
Since we did not have to actually produce the physical glove we decided to give it some wacky functions.
Picking up calls- Simply place your index finger onto your ear and the say 'Answer'. The glove will then be able to translate voice signals from your mobile phone onto your index finger and in turn ACTING as a speaker. Your thumb will then act as a microphone. Pretty ingenius don't you think?
Warmers- With radiation producing heat, our gloves could transfer the radiation onto the surface of the gloves and repell the cold during winter.
One Size Fits™- Like the sock, the glove will take the shape of your hand once connected wirelessly.
This mini-research project has helped us not only see that the crazy ideas are sometimes feasible but also get to know each other better as friends.
Till then